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Poll: What is your XForms Player of choice?
posted by Gerald Bauer on May 19, 2004
What is your XForms Player of choice?
Chibacon Chiba
IBM XML Forms Package (Beta)
Mozquito DENG
Novell XForms Player (Beta)
Orbeon Open XML Framework
Oracle Mobile XForms Player (Beta)
Ripcord Technology nForms
University of Helsinki X-Smiles
x-port FormsPlayer
Other (Please Comment)
Free polls from

Java-based, open, free and client or server-side

Posted by: Joern Turner at May 19, 2004 08:26 AM

I just got informed that the entry for "University of Helsinki X-Smiles" should read "Helsinki University of Technology X-Smiles". Sorry for the mistake. Those two universities are different organizations.

Posted by: Gerald Bauer at May 19, 2004 01:44 PM
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