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January 2004 Archives

Poll Results: Is XML UI Language Trademarkable?

Thanks to everybody for casting your vote. If you want to analyze and discuss the poll results, please join us on the xul-talk mailinglist.

Do you support Mozilla's claim that XML UI Language (XUL) is a trademark like Google or Amazon and not a generic term like RAD, IDE, GUI, DOM or IDL?

Yes  58%73
No  29%36
Don't care. Whatever.  6%8
Don't know. I'm not a Lawyer. IMNAL (TM).  6%8
125 votes total

Do you want to shutdown the XUL Alliance and the XUL News Wire?

Yes.  29%28
No.  46%45
Don't care. Whatever.  25%24
97 votes total
posted by Gerald Bauer on January 30, 2004
Poll: What User Interface Toolkit Do You Use Most?
What User Interface Toolkit Do You Use Most?
Free polls from

Note, only OS-independent user interface toolkits qualify.

posted by Gerald Bauer on January 29, 2004 | Add Your Comments (1)
Poll: Is XML UI Language Trademarkable?
Do you support Mozilla's claim that XML UI Language (XUL) is a trademark like Google or Amazon and not a generic term like RAD, IDE, GUI, DOM or IDL?
Don't care. Whatever.
Don't know. I'm not a Lawyer. IMNAL (TM).
Free polls from
Do you want to shutdown the XUL Alliance and the XUL News Wire?
Don't care. Whatever.
Free polls from
posted by Gerald Bauer on January 07, 2004 | Add Your Comments (10)
XUL Champion of the Year 2003 Award - And The Winner Is...

Thanks to everybody for casting your vote. Now on to the award ceremony and the winner is...

Who is Your XUL Champion of the Year 2003?

Wolf Paulus (SwixML Project Lead, Theodore)  31%34
Neil Deakin (  18%20
Laurent Jouanneau (  17%19
Nigel McFarlane (Mozilla XUL Book and Articles)  10%11
Harry Fuecks (XUL and PHP, XUL Articles)  6%7
Mathew McBride (Jazilla NG)  6%6
Adam Megacz (XWT Project Lead)  5%5
Robert Bajzat (Thinlet XUL Project Lead)  4%4
James Strachan (JellySwing/SWT, GroovySwing Project Lead)  2%2
George Staikos (KaXUL, uXUL Project Lead)  1%1
109 votes total
posted by Gerald Bauer on January 02, 2004
XUL Motor of the Year 2003 Award - And The Winner Is...

Thanks to everybody for casting your vote. Now on to the award ceremony and the winner is...

What is Your XUL Motor of the Year 2003?

Mozilla XUL  31%98
SwixML  23%73
Thinlet XUL  14%43
Zulu  13%41
Luxor XUL  8%24
XWT (XML Windowing Toolkit)  6%18
GNUstep Renaissance  2%5
JellySwing/SWT  1%4
Jazilla NG  1%3
KaXUL/uXUL  1%3
312 votes total
posted by Gerald Bauer on January 02, 2004
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