Who is Your XUL Champion of the Year 2003? |
| Robert Bajzat (Thinlet XUL Project Lead) |
| Wolf Paulus (SwixML Project Lead, Theodore) |
| Laurent Jouanneau (xulfr.org) |
| Neil Deakin (xulplanet.com) |
| Mathew McBride (Jazilla NG) |
| Adam Megacz (XWT Project Lead) |
| George Staikos (KaXUL, uXUL Project Lead) |
| James Strachan (JellySwing/SWT, GroovySwing Project Lead) |
| Harry Fuecks (XUL and PHP, XUL Articles) |
| Nigel McFarlane (Mozilla XUL Book and Articles) |
Free polls from Pollhost.com |